From chaos to consistency: creating a working knowledge base

Most businesses find it important to retain their customers. There are missed opportunities when customer inquiries are answered differently across different representatives, or a frequently recurring issue can’t be solved through self-service options online. It’s essential to understand that retaining that customer is only as successful as the knowledge base. Few agents will have the recall to automatically select the correct response to customer inquiries, and the alternative is a scripted call and response that few customers appreciate. The solution is a functional and regularly updated knowledge base.

Knowledge bases store essential information for our agents. They contain straightforward and exploratory questions and answers for our team to our customer inquiries. We build the knowledge base to answer anything from specialized product knowledge to their schedules. Knowledge shouldn’t be spread across a half dozen platforms, and knowledge should surface to the agent automatically.

Because Reficient Solutions specializes in ease of use for our team, we are always reducing the agent clicks to the knowledge base. An agent has only a small window of time to contextualize both the problem and solution to customer inquiries. Time insists that those inquiries be handled quickly. We solve this by building robust knowledge bases that agents can access with minimal effort.


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