Unwrapping Success: Strategies for Reducing Turnover

It’s no secret to call center managers: your most skilled agents are likely ready to be off the phones. You can internally support your agents and pile on one-on-ones, workforce engagement activities, and gamification. You can internally have a structure for performance reviews and nine-box the best of your team as rockstars. All managerial tools fail when there isn’t a plan to get the best of the team off the phones and into leadership positions.

These agents are ready for the next step. Starting in a call center is often the first rung on the ladder for first-tier agents, and if you’ve gotten the hiring process right, you have the best and the brightest job seeker currently available at that price for that seat. They’ve proven they can get a job with your organization and will leave for the next best thing. The only thing keeping that rising star in your business is a clear path to promotion. The call center is a cost center when you either can’t or won’t promote from within because you are constantly replacing team members. When turnover is high, customer sentiment is routinely the first metric to take a hit.

At Reficient Solutions, it makes sense to create more space at the table for top performers. As women business owners who employ primarily women, we have a long-term strategy in promoting women into roles within our organization, bringing down costs by retaining talent through our company culture of achievement. We find success in business through supporting and uplifting our team, and we excel in bringing our future managers and the brightest agents to your customers.


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